Alien: Romulus (2024), directed by Fede Álvarez, is a tense sci-fi thriller set within the Alien universe, focusing on survival against the relentless Xenomorph threat. The story unfolds aboard the derelict space station Romulus, orbiting the hostile planet LV-410. A young crew of miners, including Rain Carradine (Cailee Spaeny) and her android companion Andy, stumbles into a terrifying ordeal when they encounter a nest of Xenomorphs.
As the alien menace begins to spread, the crew discovers that a substance, Z-01, developed from facehugger DNA, can alter human biology. This revelation drives an intense power struggle, with the station’s android science officer, Rook, intending to use Z-01 for his experiments in creating genetically enhanced humans. Meanwhile, the survivors must navigate betrayal, relentless alien attacks, and moral dilemmas.