TERRA NOVA (2011) is a science fiction television series produced by 20th Century Fox Television. Set in the year 2149, the show presents a dystopian future where Earth is overpopulated and ravaged by pollution and ecological collapse. To escape this bleak existence, scientists discover a time portal that allows people to travel back to prehistoric Earth, specifically 85 million years ago.
The series follows the Shannon family, led by Jim Shannon (played by Jason O’Mara), who is chosen to be part of the TERRA NOVA colony—a settlement established by humans in the past. The colony is populated by individuals seeking a fresh start and the chance to build a new civilization. However, life in TERRA NOVA is fraught with challenges, including the constant threat of dinosaurs and the complexities of establishing a new society.
As Jim and his family adapt to their new surroundings, they must navigate both the dangers of the prehistoric world and the internal politics of the colony. The series explores themes of survival, family, and the moral implications of their choices as they confront both the wonders and perils of a world that is both familiar and alien.

TERRA NOVA combines action, adventure, and drama, showcasing stunning visual effects and ambitious storytelling. Although it garnered a fanbase and praise for its premise and production values, the show faced challenges with ratings and was ultimately canceled after one season, leaving viewers with unanswered questions about the fate of the colony and its inhabitants.


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